All about skiza from Safaricom

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How do I select my SKIZA tunes?
You can select your SKIZA tunes through three methods:
a) You can SMS the SkizaCode of your selected song in the following format to 811, SKIZA (space) SkizaCode e.g. SKIZA 7010011. To select another tune, simply SMS your other selected tune 811 again e.g. SKIZA 7010012
b) You can dial 811 and follow the interactive voice prompts to set your SKIZA tune
c) You can visit the SKIZA website at and select your songs
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How To Assign A SKIZA Tune To Different Callers
You can set up to 10 SKIZA Tunes and assign them to 10 different callers. If you have purchased more than one tune and have NOT assigned them to specific callers they will be played randomly. To set a SKIZA tune for a specific caller simply SMS the SKIZA Code of your selected song and the phone number in the following format to 811:  SET 7010011  722XXXXXX.
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How much does it cost?
KSh5 will be charged for downloading the SKIZA tune.
For PrePay subscribers this is automatically deducted from your airtime while for PostPay subscribers this will be billed with your normal usage.
When you dial 811 to access the interactive voice response (I.V.R) system you will be charged KSh3 per minute however, per second billing applies.
In addition all SMS to 811 will cost KSh1 per SMS. At the expiry of 7 days your SKIZA tune will automatically be renewed for KSh5 unless you choose to delete it as per step 6 below. Safaricom will send a notification of renewal 2 days before expiry of the tune.
Please note that the party calling the subscriber with the SKIZA tune will not be charged to listen to the tune.
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What songs are available on SKIZA tunes?
We have a wide selection of music covering nearly all genres including Kenyan, African, International, Gospel, Bollywood, etc.
In addition you can get jokes, movie lines, famous quotes and more! You can also get top 10 songs and the latest songs at any time when you dial 811 and follow the prompts.
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How to delete your SKIZA tunes
You can delete your SKIZA tune at anytime by sending an SMS in the following format to 811 i.e. “Delete SkizaCode” e.g. DELETE 7010011.
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How to copy a SKIZA Tune from your friend?
When you like the tune you hear when you call a friend, copy the tune by dialling 1 twice while the tune is playing.
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Can I present/gift a SKIZA tune to my friends and family?
You can gift your family and friends a SKIZA tune. You will be charged KSh5 for each tune you gift but the recipient will pay KSh5 for subsequent renewals.
To gift a tune, send an SMS in the following format to 811 “Gift SkizaCode phone number” e.g. GIFT 7010011 722XXXXXX (Remember to omit the zero in the phone number)
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What handsets are compatible with SKIZA tunes?
All handset types and models are compatible with this service
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How can I check the songs I am subscribed to?
To check all SKIZA tunes currently stored in your library simply send GET to 811 to confirm key word) or dial 811 and follow the voice prompts.
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Will this be available to roaming subscribers?
SKIZA tunes will NOT be available to roaming subscribers, both for prepaid and postpaid.

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