How to Recover Data Even When Hard Drive is Damaged

Note: Before attempting this procedure, make sure the damaged hard drive is being detected by the computer’s BIOS. If the computer cannot detect the hard drive then no software will detect it. To do this the drive must be connected directly a computer’s IDE or SATA cable, not by USB. Then you must go into the computer’s BIOS to see if it is being detected.

Ubuntu Rescue Remix and Ddrescue
Ubuntu Rescue Remix is a Linux Live CD. It already comes with a whole array of data recovery tools. One of them is Ddrescue. Ddrescue, is one of the best data recovery programs available and it is free. Ddrescue works by extracting a raw image of your hard drive and transferring it to another drive.  It extracts data bit by bit, regardless of the file system on the drive. The reason it works even when hard drives are dying is because Ddrescue retries several times and even tries to read data backwards. The procedure sometimes can take days, but it is very effective.

The Setup
As you can see by the picture down below I have two hard drives connected to the computer’s controller card. One is the source and the other the destination drive. I usually flip them upside down so that gravity helps a little if the arms are too close to the plates, also I place the hard drives in a rubber mat to prevent vibration. Both hard drives in the picture are SATA, nevertheless, you can have IDEs restoring to SATAs and vice versa (or even to USB drives, but they can be harder for Ubuntu Rescue Remix to detect).
The procedure involves 3 drives:
1) Your source drive (your damaged hard drive),
2) Your destination drive, this hard drive has to be slightly bigger than the source because it contains the raw image which will occupy the exact same size as your “source” drive, you then need a little extra space for the log files created by DDrescue. This drive must be totally empty or data in it will be overwritten!!!.
3) A drive to extract the raw image to. This drive can be the exact same size or bigger than your original “source” drive, but never smaller. This drive must also be totally empty or the data in it will be overwritten!!!.

Extracting the Raw Image
Download the ISO CD image of Ubuntu Rescue Remix (It’s linux, so it’s free), burn the CD and boot the computer with it.
Plug in the source and destination drives and run the following command that will tell you how many drives Ubuntu is seeing:
sudo lshw -C disk -short
The “lshw” command can sometimes be unreliable. If not all of your hard drives are being displayed, try the following command:
cat /proc/partitions

The “cat” command might not give you many details about the drives, but it will display all of them reliably.  For example, if  “lshw” only shows you one out of two drives, just by running the “cat” command and using simple deduction you can determine what the logical name of the missing drive is. (“Cat” will display drives and its partitions; drives are the ones without numbers at the end. Example: a drive will show as /dev/sda and a partition as /dev/sda1)
Identify the logical name of your destination drive (the drive where you will dump the contents of the damaged hard drive to). Create a Linux partition on that drive so that you can dump the image from your bad hard drive in there. Lets say, for this example, you have identified your destination drive as: /dev/sda. (yours could be sdb, sdc, sdd, etc. So change the following command according to what you have). *** Make sure not to confuse your source and destination drives, or you might end-up overwriting all your data***. Issue the following command at your shell prompt to format the destination drive:
sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda
After formating, mount the destination drive, create a “recovery” directory, and get inside it.  To do this execute the following commands one by one (some of these commands may require sudo in front):
sudo mkdir mnt
sudo mount /dev/sda mnt
cd mnt
sudo mkdir recovery
cd recovery
After issuing the last command “cd recovery” you are inside the newly created recovery directory in your destination drive. Now, assuming you have identified your source hard drive as /dev/sdb (the broken hard drive you will be extracting the data from), run Ddrescue to extract the raw data, creating a file on the destination drive called “image” and a log file called “log”:
sudo ddrescue -r 3 /dev/sdb image log
This command will begin extracting the raw image from the bad hard drive, placing it inside the “recovery” directory on your destination drive. Take a look at the last two words in your command line; “image” is the name you are giving your your raw data image file, so, all your data will be stored in one single file named “image”. The las word “log”, is the name of your log file. You can change the name of these two file names to whatever you wish. The log file is extremely useful since it tells Ddrescue at what point it is during the data extraction process, therefore, it will know at what point to begin again if the process gets interrupted. In case of such an event all that needs to be done is to issue the same previous command, using the same file and log names inside the same directory containing the partial raw image file.

Restoring the Raw Image
When finished getting the image, unmount your destination drive by issuing the following command:
sudo umount /dev/sda
and turn the computer off. If you don’t unmount the drive before turning the computer off, the “lshw” command will have a hard time finding this same drive next time your run the command (notice the command is spelled umount not unmount).
Now we have acquired the image, however, since it is in raw format it is unreadable. We need to extract this image to a third hard drive. With the computer turned off unplug the damaged hard drive. We do not need it anymore. Plug in a good hard drive of equal or higher capacity, boot the computer with Ubuntu Rescue Remix and run the command to identify the drives again. Go inside the directory where the images are stored (in the source drive). Now the hard drive containing the raw image will be your source and your new empty hard drive will be your destination. Assuming your source drive is /dev/sda (the one containing the raw image), enter the following commands one by one to mount and enter your source drive:
sudo mkdir nmt
sudo mount /dev/sda mnt
cd mnt
cd recovery
Then and assuming your destination is /dev/sdb (your new empty drive where the raw image will be restored to), make sure your drive it empty otherwise you will overwrite your data) issue the following command to restore the image to your new drive:
sudo ddrescue image /dev/sdb

Make partition Active
Connect your hard drive to another computer (as a slave or by USB) and see if you can access the files. If you cannot, and the partition inside the hard drive is a Windows partition (NTFS, Fat, etc.), you might need to make the partition “active” using another Windows computer. If that is the case, connect the hard drive (as a slave or by USB) to a computer that has Windows and do the following:

Click on Start (The start orb in Vista and Windows 7) >> Click Run (“Search for programs” field in Vista and 7) >> type diskmgmt.msc and press enter.
This will bring up Disk Management. Right click on your newly connected drive and click on “Mark Partition as Active”

Fix Corrupt Partition (If Needed)
Go to “my computer” on the current computer and see if you can browse the files inside the hard drive, if you cannot, you have a bad MBR or partition table. Use TestDisk to fix it (comes with Ubuntu Rescue Remix).

How to Recover Data From a Broken Hard Drive

By Daves Solomon
June 2011

You are reading this... you are probably desperate, but before you panic let me tell you that there is hope, and there is probably more hope than you think…. Even if your hard drive has an internal mechanical malfunction, data can be recovered without having to send the hard drive to a data recovery service. Yes! you heard right, I’m sure you have come across articles that will tell you how to recover data from a damaged partition, you will find a ton of those on the web, but when your hard drive starts malfunctioning none of those articles are going to help you solve your problem, This article will.

Corrupted file system
If the hard drive gets detected by Windows and can be accessed but you do not see any data inside, or you get a message saying that the drive needs to be formatted. You probably have a corrupted file system in you hands. The solution for this is a good file recovery software. I’ve tried many, and my choice is “Recover My Files” from GetData. Many of the recovery suites out there claim that they can recover data and they probably can, but can they find everything that you want to recover? Most likely not! This software can. But don’t take my word for it, download the free version from their website and give it a try, you will see what I’m talking about. The free version is a demo so it will not allow full functionality but, it will let you see what it can recover and will even let you recover some small files. This software is included in my article: Best Data Recovery Software.
The software does have its drawbacks. If your file type is not on their list it basically can’t be recovered. If you want to recover a file with an uncommon extension that is not on their list you are out of luck. Their list is extensive though. Make sure you run the “complete File Search” and not the Fast, as the later is basically worthless. The complete will give you more than you need, even stuff that you erased from your hard drive years ago. It will take a long time depending on the size of the hard drive. The program will not allow you to install it on the same hard drive where the data needs to be recovered from for obvious reasons. So be prepared to install the software on a secondary drive like a USB Flash Drive or External Hard Drive. There are also a free alternatives which work as well or even better than “Recover My Files”. If your disk read my article: How To Repair A Damaged Partition or MBR. If you are unable to recover the damaged partition but still want to recover your files, read my article: How to Recover Erased Data Using Free Software.
Clicking noise of death
If your hard drive is making the common “clung… clung… clung…” sound your head are having trouble reading the contents of the drive. This is one of the worst problems you can have since the arm of the drive is not functioning properly and therefore cannot read the disks inside. As some of you might know this is not repairable, at least not at home, Hard drives need to be opened in dust free environments, and by specialized personnel, so do not even attempt to open it if you want your data back!!!. Many people will just give up at this point and send hard drive to a data recovery service. However, before you do that and spend an arm and a leg, there is something you can do.  I have written an article just for this: How To Recover Data Even When Hard Drive is Damaged

Hard drive does not get detected
If the computer does not detect the hard drive, or the computer just does not want to turn on when the hard drive is connected to it, you might have a bad hard drive board. This is the big circuit board located at the bottom of your drive. These easily replaceable boards tend to get damaged over time due to the heat generated by the hard drive itself. I will tell you how to replace this board with the following solution:
There are a number of places on the web that will sell you these boards. If you can’t find it or you are a cheap bastard you can always resort to eBay and buy a used hard drive with the same model number as yours, remove the board from the used drive, and use it on broken one. This will probably cost you less than purchasing the board alone. If your hard drive is old it makes more sense to buy another hard drive, on the other hand if the hard drive is new you are better off buying the board. These boards run around $50 each. If you decide to purchase another hard drive or the board alone, make sure you are getting the exact same board! I cannot stress this enough. You can have drives with the same brands and specifications with slight variations on their board and consequently on their firmware, if this is the case the board will not work, so make sure you are getting exactly what you need before pressing that “buy now” button!

Hard drive gets detected but still does not work
If Windows detects the hard drive but it can’t be accessed, won’t give you the option to format it, or its properties. You probably have dirty contacts on your board. Usually when this happens you do not hear the famous “clicking noise of death” noise, but rather a repetitive “rrrrrr rrrrrr” sound, as if the hard drive is reading the same data over and over, or you do not hear any sound at all. It is important to mention that this behavior does involve the computer detecting the drive but DOES NOT involve the “clicking noise of death”. To solve this problem try the following: Remove the main board from the bottom of the hard drive and clean the bottom contacts. That board that you see underneath the drive is actually sitting on top of un-soldered contacts. Many Hard Drives operate at high temperatures, and this tends to melt the circuit board’s coating. When this happens this coating will spill over these contacts, and since they are not soldered their dirty metal surfaces will no longer touch. To solve this, remove the screws from the board and flip it. You will see a row of contacts usually in more than one location. Rub the surface of the contacts with a pencil eraser, just as if you were erasing something you wrote. This will actually clean those contacts better than any other method. Screw the board back in place and try it. (If your hard drive happens to have pin connectors rather than flat ones, disregard this tip and buy a new board.)

Clicking noise of death (Last Resort Solution)
This trick will actually work 60% of the cases, so you do have a good probability of getting your data back. I have to warn you that after freezing your hard drive there is also a good chance that the hard drive won’t work ever again, therefore this procedure should only be attempted as a very last resort.

1Place the Hard Drive inside a Zip Lock bag and put it in the freezer for about 2 hours.
2 – After that take it out and connect it to the computer as fast as you can so that it does not have time to warm up. Make sure that you do not remove the hard drive out of the bag and that you open it as little as possible when connecting it to the power and data cables, so that outside air doesn’t come in and create condensation on the drive.
3 - Turn your computer on, look for your data and take it out as fast as you possibly can. Time is key here because you do not know if that drive is going to ever work again. Make sure you do this on a fast computer that does not take to long to boot up, if possible connect the hard drive to an external USB enclosure so that you do not waste time with the computer booting up. Also make sure you know the exact location of your data; is better if you go to straight to the folder rather than using Windows search utility, as searching the drive will heat it up faster due to the amount of work the arm will have to make. Drives usually work for a few minutes and stop working once they heat up. So hurry!!!
4 – If after freezing the hard drive and connecting it to the computer you are still not able to access it and you still hear the noise, hold the drive in your hand and, without taking it out of the bag, tap it with your knuckles on one side to see if this releases the heads, you obviously have to do this while the hard drive is powered on and connected to the computer.

Final Thoughts
If none of these tips work for you and you still want your data back is time to send your drive to a data recovery service, there are number of those on the web, I have never actually tried one, but some of them will charge you a flat fee regardless of the problem. However, these services will not guarantee your back all of the time, in fact most of them regardless of what they claim, will just have a 75% to 80% success rate. There are some things you just can’t recover from, like an arm scratching the whole surface of a plate. Best thing is to back up your data regularly.

Starting a business in Kenya

Edited By: Daves Solomon

Want to Start a business in Kenya In days?  I know you are eager to start a business, let go through this together...

Procedure 1.
Obtain approval for the company name from the Registrar of Companies
Time to complete: 3 days
Comment: The company name reservation lasts 30 days but can be renewed for a similar period.

Procedure 2
Stamp the memorandum and articles and a statement of the nominal capital
Time to complete: 8 days
Cost to complete: 1% of nominal capital + KES 2,005, stamp duty on Memorandum and Articles of Association
Comment: Effective January 1, 2005, the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) took over stamp duty collection from the Ministry of Lands and Housing. As an administrative requirement, the KRA now requires the personal identification numbers (PINs) of all parties on whose behalf duty-stamped documents are submitted. Documents must be first assessed by the Stamp Duty Office before payment can be processed by the KRA-designated banks.
The process has lengthened initially to about 2 weeks because the Stamp Duty Office waited to receive confirmation of bank payment after clearance of funds.
However, the time has reduced in 2008 as a result of better communication between the Ministry of Lands and housing and Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) to 5-10 days. Bank handling charges of KES 100 for each transaction are also due.
(Kenya Revenue Authority)

Procedure 3
Pay stamp duty at bank
Time to complete: 1 day (included in the previous procedure)
Cost to complete: KES 100 bank commission

Procedure 4
Declaration of compliance (Form 208) is signed before a Commissioner of Oaths /notary public
Time to complete: 1 day
Cost to complete: KES 200
Comment: According to the Companies Act (Cap. 486), the promoter incorporating the company must sign Form 208, the declaration of compliance, which accompanies the registration documents to be submitted to the Registrar of Companies

Procedure 5
File deed and details with the Registrar of Companies at the Attorney General's Chambers in Nairobi
Time to complete: 7-14 Days
Cost to complete: see comments
Comment: The founder must file the incorporation deed and the required documents and forms (listed below) with the Registrar of Companies, which has automated this process:
Stamped memorandum and articles of association.
Statement of capital.
Form 201, Particulars of directors and secretary.
Form 203, Notice of proposed registered office.
Form 208, Declaration of compliance and the prescribed registration fees.
Copy of the company name approval
Fee schedule for registration:
For the first KES 100,000: KES 2,200.
For every KES 20,000 after the first KES 100,000: KES 120, subject to a maximum of KES 60,000.
Filing fee for three forms: KES 600.

Procedure 6
Register with the Tax Department for a PIN
Time to complete: 1 day
Cost to complete: no charge
Comment: Registration for a personal and a company identification number (PIN) is required to register for the VAT, the local service tax, and the pay-as-you-earn (PAYE) tax. The founder must file the certificate of registration and a copy of the memorandum and articles of association. Kenya Revenue Authority has introduced a portal for online registration of PIN and VAT.

Procedure 7
Register with the VAT office
Time to complete: 1 Day
Cost to complete: No Charge
Comment: The VAT office is in the Times Tower building.
Alternatively, you can visit the Kenya Revenue Authority Online Portal.

Procedure 8
Apply for a business permit
Time to complete: 1 Day
Cost to complete: See Comment
Comment: The fee to apply for a business permit varies by type of business, number of employees, and size of the company’s premises. The fee is payable to the local authority Licensing Department. The local Authority will issue a business permit.
Fee schedule for business permit:
Medium trader, shop, or retail service from 5 to 20 employees and/or premises 50–300 sq. m. (fair location): KES 5,000.
Mid-size business of 50 employees and premises 300 sq. m.: about KES 20,000 to KES 50,000, depending on the nature of the business.
The Licensing Laws (Repeals and Amendments) Act , 2006 (enacted in December of 2006 and came into effect on May, first, 2007), amends the Local Government Act (Cap. 265) by reducing the number of business permits required for a distributor of goods or provider of services to carry on its business activities. Applicants having obtained a business permit to operate from one local authority will not be required to obtain another business permit in another local authority. In addition, business permit applicants will have an opportunity to elect whether to apply for a 1- or 2-year permit. The 2006 law also eliminated the requirement to obtain a trading license in addition to the permit.
(KRA Online Portal)

Procedure 9
Register with the National Social Security Fund (NSSF)
Time to complete: 1 Day
Cost to complete: No Charge
Comment: The National Social Security Fund provides the employee with a lump-sum retirement benefit.
Historically, the rate of return paid by the state is considerably less than that achieved by private schemes, but participation is mandatory. The employer pays a standard contribution of about 1% of salary, subject to a maximum of KES 400 per month. Half the contribution is deductible from the employee’s salary. The precise amount of the contribution (where less than the maximum) is determined by reference to salary bands.
(National Social Security Fund)

Procedure 10
Register with the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF)
Time to complete: 1 Day
Cost to complete: No Charge
Cost to complete: No Charge
Comment: The employee contributes a fixed sum to the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF), which must be deducted by the employer from the employees’ salary. The maximum contribution is KES 320 per month. The contributions are used to offset the costs of medical treatment, but they only cover a fraction of actual costs. Hence, most companies provide employees with medical insurance.
(National Hospital Insurance Fund)

Procedure 11
Register for PAYE
Time to complete: 1 Day
Cost to complete: No charge
Comment: PAYE registration administration is handled by the Kenya Revenue Authority.
Procedure 12
Make a company seal after a certificate of incorporation has been issued
Time to complete: 2 Days
Cost to complete: Between KES 2500 and KES 350
Comment: You can get good quality company seals from Seal Honey Stationers in Nairobi.

NOTE: You can get the procedure for a kra pin number On this site.
